Judy's Wine Bucket Stand.
It's called that because I really made it to hopefully impress her, although it was auctioned off and bought by someone else. You see, Judy worked at the Oakville Galleries and was the person in charge of phoning poor sods like me to see if they'd be willing to donate a piece of art for a themed auction to raise money for the gallery. This one was a wine gala and the third time I had been sucked in, and quite gladly I must say, because each time I got to briefly talk with Judy. Reading between the lines yet?... More than 10 anniversaries later, 2.0 kids...
It's made of purpleheart and curly maple and stainless steel. Note the 4" post is actually a 4" PVC pipe veneered with curly maple. I think the guy paid less than $300, even with the wine flowing in the room. Another case of artists supporting artists. Oh well, not relevant in this case.
It's made of purpleheart and curly maple and stainless steel. Note the 4" post is actually a 4" PVC pipe veneered with curly maple. I think the guy paid less than $300, even with the wine flowing in the room. Another case of artists supporting artists. Oh well, not relevant in this case.