"As Is"
If you've been into a particular Swedish "furniture" store, you may have found yourself in an off-site type area called "As Is". This is where they put returned items, damaged goods, floor models and misc parts of furniture someone might need to complete the last purchase they made from said store... just the kind of place that inspires a guy like me to make another wacky piece to get it going at your local cocktail party.
I made this piece for a solo exhibition, along with "Really Tall..." in 2007 to put a couple of punctuation marks in the show.
The caption for "As Is" read: "Q: Why did the table cross the road?... A: To get back to Ikea to locate its missing parts." Ya, I know, it doesn't really make sense.
It consists of a familiar white melamine top, and then a base that has a perfect graduating crackle laquer finish, from egg-yolk-yellow up to egg-white-white at the top, but... of course the top is obscured with... feathers. Of course! I guess subconsciously, I'd love to see a chicken scurrying around Ikea causing havoc, pooping on their thin fabrics, knocking over shelves of 90 cent wine glasses...
The capper was putting a $49.99 price tag on it, the final joke after all my work on it. I was very happy to have an invited repeat customer notice it on the day of the opening and snap it up.
Good times.
(Did the yellow text hurt your eyes? Well, yellow is used to attract people to bargain shops, right?)
I made this piece for a solo exhibition, along with "Really Tall..." in 2007 to put a couple of punctuation marks in the show.
The caption for "As Is" read: "Q: Why did the table cross the road?... A: To get back to Ikea to locate its missing parts." Ya, I know, it doesn't really make sense.
It consists of a familiar white melamine top, and then a base that has a perfect graduating crackle laquer finish, from egg-yolk-yellow up to egg-white-white at the top, but... of course the top is obscured with... feathers. Of course! I guess subconsciously, I'd love to see a chicken scurrying around Ikea causing havoc, pooping on their thin fabrics, knocking over shelves of 90 cent wine glasses...
The capper was putting a $49.99 price tag on it, the final joke after all my work on it. I was very happy to have an invited repeat customer notice it on the day of the opening and snap it up.
Good times.
(Did the yellow text hurt your eyes? Well, yellow is used to attract people to bargain shops, right?)